WP Super Cache Joins the Jetpack Family

WP Super Cache, one of the oldest and most widely used static caching plugins for WordPress, is changing hands. After 15 years, the plugin’s author, Donncha Ó Caoimh, is handing over maintenance and development to Jetpack’s performance team.

Jetpack’s performance team manages the Jetpack Boost plugin, used by more than 100,000 sites, and the CDN. In today’s announcement, Jetpack assured current users that they will still be able to “enjoy its core features without a new plugin or a connection to Jetpack.”

More of the same

We’re happy to say that WP Super Cache will continue to be a great way to speed up your site for free. You can enjoy its core features without a new plugin or a connection to Jetpack.

What will be changing

While we research new features to help make WordPress sites cache faster, we will begin updating the WP Super Cache UI to bring it in line with modern standards, so it is easier to use. In addition, we’ll be working behind the scenes to ensure it’s compatible with our other performance features like Jetpack Boost.

Speed up your site

For those that aren’t familiar, WP Super Cache is a static caching plugin for WordPress. It generates HTML files served directly by Apache without processing comparatively heavy PHP scripts. This simple step should speed up your WordPress site significantly.


